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090604 Antony Loewenstein** - Not in My Name

You know you've arrived as a so called 'self hating Jew' when Melbourne Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt describes you as a 'dumb Leftist Jew who vilifies Israel'. It would be hard to find a description that better sums up the Zionist view of anyone, let alone a Jew, who dares to criticise their world view. Even when Bolt cant find a valid criticism to make of Antony Loewenstein he does what so many other of Loewenstein's detractors do and nit picks the slightest inaccuracy Loewenstein might offer as opinion. However, like so many other non-Zionist Jews Loewenstein refuses to bow to pressure from his detractors.

Antony Loewenstein is a Sydney based journalist, commentator and blogger. He has written for most of the broadsheet papers in Australia as well as the UK Guardian, the Washington Post and the Israeli daily, Haaretz. His best selling book My Israel Question sets out the dilemma he argues many non-resident Jews must negotiate as they grapple with questions of identity and meaning. His most recent book The Blogging Revolution explores the lives and work of bloggers living under oppressive regimes. He spoke at Monash University prior to the Lebanese elections held in June 2009.

** CD only

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Alternative Radio (Aust.) PO Box 687 Cowes VIC 3922 Australia
tel. 61-3-5952 5780 mob. 61-4-1359 7828