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040702** Paul Heywood-Smith - Middle East Peace: The Question of Palestine

For over a century the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian people has persisted. From the work of Theodore Hertzl in establishing the Zionist movement in the late 19th century to the Balfour Declaration of December 1917 to US indirect intervention and the illegal Israeli settlements on their territories, the Palestinian people have felt the burden of oppression and the weight of occupation. These facts are often overlooked or never expounded on when the corporate media reports on suicide bombings or retaliation after another so-called Israeli "incursion" into the Palestinian territories. Perhaps it is felt that if the history of the conflict is revealed or the truth behind the lies is spoken that a century of myth making and deception will be undone.

Paul Heywood-Smith is a founder and inaugural Chairperson of the Australian Friends of Palestine Association. He is a Queens Counsel based in South Australia and has for many years researched, advocated for and spoken about the need for the establishment of a 'two state solution' to the conflict in Palestine. His aim and the aim of the Australian Friends of Palestine Association is to work for a peaceful resolution of the Israeli / Palestinian conflict for the benefit of both peoples. Paul Heywood-Smith, QC, spoke at a forum organised by the Latrobe Valley Peace Network held in Morwell in May 2004.

** CD or Cassette only

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Alternative Radio (Aust.) PO Box 780 Morwell Victoria 3848 Australia
tel. 61-3-5134-8556 mob. 61-413-597-828