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040503 Sut Jhally - 9/11 and the Uses of Fear

9/11 is a template and trigger for a range of emotions. Who can forget the horror of that day? One shouldn't. But at the same time we should be aware of how 9/11 is being used as a weapon of intimidation to silence critics of the Bush war on terrorism. Those who speak out are labelled anti-American. We are all supposed to suspend critical thinking, be obedient and listen in awe to the pronouncements from Big Brother. People are kept on the edge of their seats by constant alerts, warnings and threats of new attacks. In a state of fear, citizens are vulnerable to manipulation by opportunistic politicians and a sensationalist media. "Dissent in a time of war", historian Howard Zinn says, "is the highest form of patriotism."

Sut Jhally, professor of communication at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He is a leading media critic and an award-winning film producer. He is the founder and Executive Director of the Media Education Foundation.

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Alternative Radio (Aust.) PO Box 780 Morwell Victoria 3848 Australia
tel. 61-3-5134-8556 mob. 61-413-597-828