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040405 David Korten - Renewing the American Experiment

It may seem odd to many to think of the establishment of this country as an experiment, but in many ways it was just that: a very bold experiment. Never before had the issues of equality, justice and liberty been addressed for its citizenry in quite the same way. Some of the concerns of the people may have changed over time, but we are still interested in the basic issues that have brought people to this land: freedom from tyranny and the opportunity for a quality of life not based upon social class or family ties. We are at a critical juncture in history where the ruling and corporate elite are only too eager to roll back nearly 200 years of progress. What are we, with limited resources and access to media or power, to do? David Korten has examined our history and how we've gotten where we are and he has some ideas about how we can take back our country.

An insider in the development establishment for nearly thirty years, Korten worked for the Ford Foundation and the US Agency for International Development (US AID). Having severed his ties to the past, he is now president of the People-Center Development Forum. He is the author of When Corporations Rule the World and The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism.

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Alternative Radio (Aust.) PO Box 780 Morwell Victoria 3848 Australia
tel. 61-3-5134-8556 mob. 61-413-597-828