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031205** Nicola Bullard - Behind the Scenes of the WTO

Every day we put our trust in people we don't know and haven't met. Unless we work in the industries we probably don't know the people who deliver the groceries to our supermarkets or the people who ensure our bank accounts are accurate. We have even less chance of knowing the people who contrive and push through international trade deals that affect everything from the price of petrol to the cost of milk and eggs. The unseen people whose names we will probably never know include those who negotiate the deals our political leaders sign off on at the World Trade Organisation – the WTO. What is it they do during these meetings in exotic locations? What is a 'round' of trade talks? How do they secure agreements for their deals? Who wins and who loses when the developed 'Northern' nations gang up on the Global South?

Nicola Bullard works with Focus on the Global South an organisation based in Thailand that, according to it's website "aims to consciously and consistently articulate, link and develop greater coherence between local community-based and national, regional and global paradigms of change. Focus on the Global South strives to create a distinct and cogent link between development at the grassroots and the 'macro' levels." Nicola Bullard has written extensively on the activities of the WTO, the IMF and international trade. Ms. Bullard was a keynote speaker at the 2003 Sydney Social Forum held in October 2003.

** CD only

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Alternative Radio (Aust.) PO Box 780 Morwell Victoria 3848 Australia
tel. 61-3-5134-8556 mob. 61-413-597-828