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Globalisation is hailed by the pundits as an irresistible natural force. It's like gravity, they say. Just accept it and go on with your life. A contrary view says this international economic order is nothing more than old wine in a new bottle. Powerful transnational institutions like the World Trade Organisation, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are the main instruments and implementors of globalisation. Nations and communities trying to maintain sovereignty, protect human rights and preserve the environment are under attack as they confront the latest version of capitalism. October 7, 1999.
Noam Chomsky, internationally renowned MIT professor, has been a leading voice for peace and social justice for more than four decades. He is in such demand as a public speaker that he is often booked years in advance. And wherever he appears, he draws huge audiences. The Guardian calls him, "One of the radical heroes of our age." He is the author of Power and Terror, Middle East Illusion and Hegemony or Survival." He's done a series of interview books with David Barsamian including The Common Good and Propaganda and the Public Mind.