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990703 Gary Webb - CIA Crack Cocaine Connection

Whether through malign intent or gross negligence, the CIA contributed to the drug problem in South Central Los Angeles in the mid-1980s. How did that happen? One stupid decision at a time. Accomplices include the House Intelligence Committee, the Justice Department and the Attorney General's Office, which either passed the buck or ignored reports of illegal activity. When journalists look at a story that implicates the upper echelons of government, they are often isolated, ostracised or, as in the case of Gary Webb, demoted and effectively silenced.

Gary Webb reported on the CIA crack cocaine connection for the San Jose Mercury News and for his book Dark Alliance.

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Alternative Radio (Aust.) PO Box 780 Morwell Victoria 3848 Australia
tel. 61-3-5134-8556 mob. 61-413-597-828