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Victoria 3848 Australia
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980503 Noam Chomsky - The Multilateral Agreement on Investment

MAI, the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, crafted in virtually secrecy, is a sweeping new international trade pact. Critics call it, NAFTA on steroids. It is designed to give investment bankers and transnational corporations unprecedented power and privileges over governments and local communities. If enacted its rules would allow foreign investors to challenge national laws and policies in such areas as the environment, worker rights and consumer protection.

Noam Chomsky, internationally renowned MIT professor, has been a leading voice for peace and social justice for more than four decades. He is in such demand as a public speaker that he is often booked years in advance. And wherever he appears, he draws huge audiences. The Guardian calls him, "One of the radical heroes of our age." He is the author of Power and Terror and Middle East Illusions. His latest book is Hegemony or Survival. He's done a series of interview books with David Barsamian. The latest are The Common Good and Propaganda and the Public Mind.

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Alternative Radio (Aust.) PO Box 780 Morwell Victoria 3848 Australia
tel. 61-3-5134-8556 mob. 61-413-597-828